Ho Tram focuses on developing sustainable tourism and protecting the marine environment.

By preserving marine ecosystems, mangrove forests, and pristine beaches, we can attract nature-loving tourists

Ho Tram's commitment to implementing environmental protection measures is a very positive sign. These are important steps to protect nature, preserve the pristine beauty of this coastal area, and ensure the sustainable development of the beach tourism industry.

With the strong desire and relentless efforts of the local government, villas, resorts, and hotels here have been and are applying many environmentally friendly measures such as: using renewable energy, modern wastewater treatment,reducing plastic waste, organizing beach clean-up activities, educating tourists about environmental protection...

This not only enhances the quality of tourism but also contributes to protecting the marine ecosystem, conserving rare animals, and developing community-based tourism products. A factor that is increasingly being cared for, praised, and highly appreciated by both domestic and international tourists when they come to relax and travel to Ho Tram beach.

In that spirit, all personal hygiene items of The Cottage - Ho Tram for guests are made from environmentally friendly materials that are biodegradable. Because conventional personal hygiene products contain a lot of plastic, which pollutes the environment when discarded, does not decompose over time, and negatively affects the environment.

Hồ Tràm chú trọng phát triển du lịch bền vững, bảo vệ môi trường biển

Shampoos, body washes, and conditioners derived from natural ingredients are generally gentle and beneficial for the skin and body, reducing the risk of irritation.
